Last night's annual Metropolitan Costume Gala proved to be the ultimate form of procrastination. Call me crazy, but I usually enjoy the red carpet for the Met Gala more than the Oscars. Maybe it's because the focus is purely on the clothes and not on who's going to win such-and-such award. So without further ado (and in no particular order other than Diane Kruger who in my opinion was the showstopper of the night), here is my Best Dressed List for the evening. It contains many of the usual suspects (Diane, Gwyneth, Gisele) but I made sure to throw in a wild-card (I know that Ashley Olson's puffy-sleeved dress will not be everyone's favorite but for some reason I thought she looked simply beautiful in it).
Also, if you want to check out the really outrageous looks from last night (some people were a little too inspired by the royal wedding) then I suggest you look at Fabsugar which includes just about every attendee of the event.

* images via Fabsugar
totally agree...i thought diane k look beautifull one of my favs ever